Saturday, January 9, 2016

When Wrong Is The New Normal

These days, when scaling through Facebook, what you see are pictures of injured babies or dead babies here and there. My question here is, is it normal to shared the photo of a dead child on Facebook just to get likes. My friend and I were discussing this matter some few days back. It is a sensitive topic. I was just on the fence because I didn't know how to normalize the topic. She was very against it. I was to some extent. In one way, I share these parents grief and courage to open up on their pain. As well as searching for a healing process. But on the other hand, I find it disturbing because some things are not meant for the public. My friend thinks people are glamorizing babies sickness and misfortune to get famous. I hurt for these kids but what I don't like is someone cursing or forcing people to type 'Amen' on a sick child and if you refuse, you are heartless. Common now, that is totally uncalled for. People are being bullied into typing 'Amen' or bear the guilt of feeling heartless. Like I mentioned, this topic is sensitive. Some images on Facebook of these little children are kinda pusing me away from Facebook because if my heart is to gulliable to look at it and type Amen. Then I am heartless. And I refuse to like this sorrowful and painful pictures. How can I like a picture of a child going through pain. I'm liking the pain or what? Confusing huh? Facebook we need dislike button ASAP.

My question for you mybeautifuloma readers is, is those innocent images of some children in pain on Facebook helping or hurting them. Should some pictures be kept private or should people be bullied into typing 'Amen'?

Be kind and sensitive. Remember I love children.

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