Friday, August 25, 2017

African family members and negative competition

 Image result for negative competition
If you are a foreigner from Africa and you have your family members back home, then you should relate to this topic called "negative competition." Negative competition is predominant among African families back home, who thinks they can control your life like a remote control. Listen, if you’re not getting a call from home for money, then you’re surely getting a call for competition. Let just say that majority of our families back home always put us in one negative competition or the other. What do I mean by that? Well, let say you are a nurse who is doing her night shift, suddenly you get a call from home and what you will hear is, "what are your waiting for?" Odd question isn’t it? I know.

They will start with "what are you waiting for? Your mate Joy is getting married." Or something like, "my son, did you know that James our neighbor’s son just came back from London and he is building a very big mention? When are you going to build your own?" Oh wait, another one, "your mates are having kids, when will it be your turn?" Be honest, these questions are ridiculous? Why do African parents always feels the need to compare their children to others? So sad that they don’t know when to stop. To them they are looking out for you but they’re not. I just wish there is a way they can just use a magic wand to see life in America. Maybe that will get them to stop. If America was a bed of roses, believe me, all Africans in America will have money dungeon. I say this because Africans in America are hard workers. That is one skill that Americans can’t ignore. However, if life is all about hard work, Africa as a continent will be the leader of the world.

That’s aside, can we talk about the competition on marriage and baby? You will agree with me that, the competition on marriage and baby is ancient and I think mothers should leave it there. The world is evolving. You don’t dictate to people how and when they should get married. It’s even worse, when these family members try to use competition tactics to drive their children to fulfill their personal interest.  Common now! Any individual at the age of marriage is an adult. As such should be allowed to take the leap whenever they’re ready. I don’t get this silly competition. I think they are unnecessary. Just because they want to brag that they’re child is better than their neighbors. Their child have more children and is married to rich a husband, therefore, they will frustrate your life with competition until you succumb. Please! Family members at home stop. The pressure in America is already big enough, hence, we don’t need more. It is sad to know that our families back home is making it difficult for one to enjoy America. Is either they are wrestling you for money or they are driving you crazy with stupid competition. Enough said.

 Tell me, do you think their competition is based on love or self-interest? Leave a comment below.

I am humble.
Photo credit: Wikipedia

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