Monday, August 14, 2017

Celebrities and their attention seeking divorce

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It not news that celebrities can’t keep their marriage. We all know that some of them go into marriage just to have kids and not for what it stands for. However, the new trend some African celebrities end their marriages is oddly strange. I have seen more than one African celebrity televised their break up via social media. Damm! Marriage court must be losing out. These celebrities nowadays go to different social media and air their dirty laundry online for the whole world to see. They even go on YouTube and broadcast how bad their spouse were in marriage. That to me is weird. To think that African marriage is crashing faster than their idolized American marriage is unreal.

Meanwhile, after these African celebrities might have realized how bad their self-reporting baggage look to the public, they start scrambling for damage control. By then it is too late because trolls online has already formed an opinion on them. Then you will start hearing something like, people are too quick to judge but they don’t know me. Really! I say again in my inner voice, whose fault is it? I say to you African celeb wanna be American celeb, we all know you don’t give a two cents about marriage but do yourself a favor, do what the Americans do, talk to your lawyers. Social media is not your lawyer but your downfall.  Stop seeking for attention online to keep your dying career relevant. Celebs so you know we really do not care about what went down in your marriage. So do us a favor too. Zip it. Just saying.

I am humble.

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