Saturday, January 23, 2016

Severe Snow Storm Weekend........

Yesterday and today has been very bad when it comes the weather. The weather has been critical for people to move around. There are snow everywhere. Yesterday as we await the much anticipated snow storm, I took my angel to enroll her in a new daycare close by our apartment. The former daycare she was attending before was very far from her and with the weather getting bad lately, I decided to relocate her to a much closer daycare to me. Getting this daycare was very tough. This is because every daycare I called told me that the had no opening for a toddler and I should put my name down in their waiting list. I was getting frustrated with the whole thing. But luckily for me I was able to call the last one and I got her enrolled.  Saving the last for the best, the say. Happy face!

Move over to today, there has been continues snow since last night. We are just catching a break from it. I woke up to a very white landscape. See the picture below:

I Love it because it allowed me to cook an African pepper soup for myself. Yumm! You know the kind that makes your nose running. Yeah! lol! That one. It felt good. Other than that, all I have been doing today is sleep, sleep, and sleep. I even felt a bit lazy to write and post this. Ok! enough about me.

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