Tuesday, August 15, 2017

American curse

 Image result for Africans working in america
American a land of milk and honey. Yeah right! As sweet as that may sound and be to some people. Some Africans living here don’t seem to agree with that. Let me explain why I think must Africans in America disagrees with this claim. Don’t get me wrong, the possibilities of actualizing ones American dream in America are endless. However, this dream often comes short when you have family back home milking every dime you make. This to me is a curse. If you are from Africa and you have families back home that depends on you. Let me be the first to tell you that you are screwed. It’s an endless taxation. Sometimes I think the IRS should travel to Africa and employ workers. These families tax you more than your federal and local tax deduction combine. Cousin! If you are reading this, I salute you guys.

              I call them psychologist. They are very good at using emotional, psychological and verbal tactics to get that money. Believe it or not your money is their money. It baffles me how whenever, they want that money from you. Oh my goodness! They will go any length to reach you. This often happen during the time you are to receive your pay check. Be it monthly or bi-weekly they know. I call them monitoring spirit. You will be surprise they know everything about America than you do. Meanwhile, as soon as you’ve send or transfer the money to them. Boom! They are gone. You won’t hear anything again from them until pay day. This is shameful. I am even ashamed that I am one of those people that is currently entrapped by their nonsense game. Just tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t called it nonsense when the only relationship I have with my people back home is a give and take one. I long to have concrete relationship with these people but nope! They are not willing to give it to me.

                  Even when you send money to them to buy call credit and call you, they won’t. They rather use that money for something else or as well spend it on social media data than use it on you. Also, when you ask them to use free WhatsApp video call, they will tell you they don’t have enough data. To cut the long story short. This is unfair. Sometimes people over here want to hear what is going on over there. We want to call and have you update us with the latest happening from our home country without the fear of being tax for money. We miss your genuine relationship. I will speak for myself, I miss your genuine relationship. Please stop creating fear and then turn around and say we've abandoned you. Every penny made here comes from blood, sweat and tears like literally. If I save the money that I have sent back home, boy! I be a rich woman. So you know dear family, America here is different from America there. Trust me on that.  I still love you guys.

I am humble.

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