Wednesday, February 4, 2015

True Life Stroy: This International Boy Part 2

Remember,the last time i told you all that the international boy ran out of his uncle's house. Guess what happened this time?. He got another call. His friend from Pittsburgh Pa told him to come leave with him after he narrated his story to him. He moved from California without his uncle consent. When he got to Pittsbiurgh Pa. Things where going on smooth for two months. Until one day, his friend called him and told him his American girlfriend is complaining that she does not like sharing an apartment with a stranger. According to him, his friend told him to find a place to leave before the end of the month. This is a boy who does not have money to feed let alone money to rent an apartment. He tried to talk to his friend and girlfriend to let him stay until he finds where to get some assistance but they refused. This time around he was lost. He had no phone to communicate, no money to feed nor rent a place. At the time he was narrating the story to me, his place of residency was at greyhound garage. Every night when he observe that the greyhound employees has gone home. He will pretend to be a passenger who is waiting for the bus and slide under any table around and sleep.  Risky huh!

Mind you, this period was during the winter time. He had no winter jacket. He was cold. The no winter jacket was the first thing i noticed about him the very first time i saw him. I thought he was just playing a big boy and that he has his jacket somewhere around. I was bemused to discovered that this boy has be roaming around the city of Pittsburgh with no winter jacket, phone, house, food and friend. I wept. I didn't know him from adam. But his story was so touching and emotional. Three days later, i came to my aunty's business to met his absence. When i asked where he had gone, i got no answer. Even my aunty said nothing. That whole week, i felt like somebody who has lost a dear friend. Just one week i got to know him and hear his story, i felt like i have known him for a longtime. Fast forward, two years later, we saw each other in giant eagle. When i saw him, i screamed and embraced him like a puppy love. It was then that he told me all is well with him now. I was relief. I am glad to tell you all that he is doing well. He now has a place he is staying, a phone and a winter jacket, Ha ha! yes winter jacket is very important. That's it for now.  If you are just subscribing, the first part of this story is somewhere in the discussion page at the upper part of the blog. Thank you.

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