Thursday, June 18, 2015

Three ways to make your baby have a sound sleep

 Image result for babies sleeping
I love babies and this is a new addition to my website. I wish to bring to you everything about babies, from their birth to their birthday and many more. Meanwhile, I want to educate those people whose babies find it a little bit difficult to sleep on time at night to do these three things.

  •       Before your baby goes to bed, give him or her a bath. Most parents because they’re used to giving their babies bath in the morning, they say to themselves what is the point of bathing them at night? Well, I find out that night bath gives babies that soothing effect. Babies enjoys bath time at night.
  • Sing/ read to them. Reading to babies is not just for the western culture nor is it for the rich only. You can read to your child in your local book using your native language. Don’t bother about your child's understanding English, French or any other popular language. Trust me babies brain can take in any language as long as you teach them. Back to what I’m saying, read to your child and sing to them, they like to hear your sweet voice before they sleep. Back rubbing is good but incorporate singing into it and sleep will be quick and sound.

  •   Turn off your light. Babies are very smart. When the light around their room or wherever they sleep is on, they we believe it still time to play. But when everywhere is dark, they will begin to comprehend the different between day and night. Babies too can adjust. Lol! Make it a ritual and you will see your babies sleep like the baby they are.

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