Friday, September 1, 2017

Arranged marriage by African parent

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Arranged marriage for all we know is an aged long tradition. Arranged marriage for what I know are practiced in India, Africa and some part of the world. However, I will only discussed the arranged marriage that takes place in Africa. In Nigeria for instance, parents always have the habit of arranging marriage for their children. Like I mentioned above, this is an aged long tradition. There are different method of arranged marriages in Nigeria.

First, is based on friendship. Most parent because of their good relationship with their friends often times want their children to marry each other so as to elongate their friendship. However, the problem with this type of arrange marriage is that, their children might not like each other. The fact that their parents are friends does not necessary mean that their children will be friends too.

The second arranged marriage is the “pay back debt” marriage. This particular type of marriage took place in the 60s. Where parent who could not pay back their debt, arranged one of their daughter for marriage as a form of payment. You will be surprise that such practice still takes place today. The problem with this kind of marriage is simply poverty.

Also, another reason African parents arrange marriages for their kids is wealth. Africans don’t joke with money. Therefore, a rich man in African if not most time want their children to marry from a wealthy home like theirs. Rich people in Africa are allergic to poverty. I don’t blame them. However, the problem with this kind of marriage is that, their children just to please their parent marry for money to keep the family money flowing and not for love. A marriage without love is like a desert without sand period.

Finally, religion based marriage. In Nigeria, parents are so attached to their religion and churches. For instance, a Catholic Church parent always want their children to marry a Catholic member like them. Same goes to other churches in Africa.  Though they claim to be Christians but their ideal marriage is when their children marries someone from their church. The problem with is kind of arranged marriage is, their children here are been used as a peace offering to satisfy their parent religious belief. Who says that marrying someone from the same church you go to makes them holy? Just saying.

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Photo credit: Pixabay

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