Friday, September 8, 2017

Sister wife

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Wow! How normal can this be that a sister will start sleeping with her sister’s husband? If you read my post on social media side chicks rule marriages, you will see where I expressed what is considered normal nowadays for younger girls. How girls are busy snatching married women’s husbands.

Well, today, I bring to you sister wife. I was going through my Facebook feeds when I stumbled upon this video of a young lady ranting about how men are scares in Nigeria. Therefore, married women should be open to share their husbands. I was like, what? As if that was not enough, she further lamented how stingy married women are becoming with their husbands and that married women should be willing to share their husbands with their sisters. Oh my goodness! Seriously, tell me if this is not an end-time. I couldn’t believe what I heard while watching the short clip. The young lady in question was so bold and confident as she voiced her concern.

Wouldn’t that be lovable? When we now live in a world where girls are suggesting that married women should share their husband with their sisters. My! My! My! My! I am short of words. (Love your neighbor as thy self, indeed.) Could it be that young girls these days are less confident in themselves? How can one even think about such, let alone suggest it. Why are girls selling themselves short? I am not a man but I’m kind of wondering what men would be thinking after they watch that video. As long as the young lady is concern, she is young and want to live her life to the fullest. No problem. But don’t think people will forget about that video. If people do, the internet don’t. Normally, I always have an advice for this kind of topic, however, in this case, I am speechless.

Women, men what do you think about this young lady’s request? Should married women share their husbands with their sisters? Leave a comment below.

I am humble.
Photo credit: Pixabay

1 comment:

  1. First, multiple marriages were accepted in bygone dies when wars, famines and disease made longevity a hopeless wish, where high mortality rates could only be combatted with successeful reproduction, hence many wives. Also it was a humanitarian issue when women depended solely on male relatives for support, hence it was seen as a good deed to marry your dead brothers wife and regard his family as well as his own wife and kids. The prophet Mohammed said not to take more than 4 and only if one was able to fully take care of each woman's household. Today, this is simply not the case and why any woman would want to be a side chick is beyond me. That would be like working a job and someone else collecting your hard earned wages. I must be Queen of my household or my heirs would have no claim to their inheritance. Why would I do such a disservice to myself and my offspring? Alpha before Beta. Why any woman would go to such lows tells me more about her than the men she courts. Ill gotten gains result in ill gotten losses.


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