Monday, September 11, 2017

The challenges of raising more than one baby in America

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I know every African mother in America at one point wished they had their kids back home. Raising a child in America is very difficult at times. Even more so if you have more than one child. I for example, I had my kids with little to no assistance. If I was back home that wouldn’t happen because there will be help coming from everywhere. The mere fact that you learn to do everything baby yourself is traumatizing.

Also, when you have two or more young kids, I bet your head is spewing out fire. Lol! This is no joke. Lol! Had anyone told me that second child is a deal breaker, I would have told them, let me think about it first. These young toddlers because they don’t play outside often, have turned my house into a war zone. Sometimes, I pray for sleep to knock me out. Wait a minute, I am not allowed to sleep as long as they’re awake. Then when it comes to their daycare money, gracious goodness! It is what we call “cut throat.” The money these daycares are requesting for a month is enough for me to buy a land in Africa. No kidding. Lol! Then I asked my why work. It is almost impossible for a foreigner in America to work and have kids at the daycare because all their earnings will all go to daycare.

Another challenge, is life period. Just know it that if you have more than one child in America, you don’t own your life anymore.  These kids age 1-5 takes so much of your time that you ask what is life. Lol! You have zero time to groom yourself. You have no time for movie, no time for social life. In fact, you have basically no time for anything. Their sleep time to you is like a day in ‘la la land’. If only you know how I manage to write these blog post each week. It no surprise that more African women are bringing their mothers to America to assist them. I envy them. I will conclude by quoting the bible verse that says, “where there is sin, grace abound even more” my translation for this quote regarding these kids are, “where there is sleeplessness night, yelling, headache, trips to the doctors office and more, abound even more satisfaction of being a parent. You can’t deal with them and yet you cannot do without them. I love you my little munchkins ….

I am humble.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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