Friday, August 18, 2017

Zero work experience, no problem…. Do this!

 Image result for volunteer
My fellow Africans, I have discovered what you can do to boost your work experience. We all know that getting a professional job in America as a foreigner is very tough. This is because every organization or company that you apply to in America always request for work experience. Some even request for a ridiculous experience like 5 to 10 years. Now if you are fresh out of college that will freak you out. Right? Yeah I know. Therefore, I have done some research and discovered what you a fresh college graduate should be doing why applying for a real job. Doing this thing will count as work experience.

Wait for it……. It’s volunteer job! I know Africans will say what silly volunteer. It's no news that Africans do not work for free. We want our money right away. I get it. However, in life something got to give. Say for example, you are an international student that studied Communication.  You know what you read in school and you’re confident to step out for a job hunt. But there is a little problem,… your accent. You have this thick accent and it often comes in your way of communication. Deep down in your mind it brings out your insecurities. Mind you, having an accent is not the problem. In fact you are not the problem. The problem actually is your future employers. What? I know! Let me explain.

Americans most times are very impatient. They are very quick to dismiss someone if they feel like they can’t understand what that person is saying. Trust me when I say, most of their impatient behavior mostly occur via phone calls. Be honest my fellow Africans, have you ever found yourself in a conversation with an American on the phone and it looks you are trying to explain something to them and the next thing you hear is beep! Beep! Beep! Hang up? I’m sure you have. For all they know, you can’t speak proper English.
I know some people will dispute this claim and say that not all Americans act that way. Which is true. But why waste your precious time testing this theory when you can be doing something better. I strongly advice Africans who are looking for work experience to fill out in their job applications to go for volunteers job.

Here are some of the benefits of volunteering.
  1.  It automatically counts as work experience. 
  2.   It’s rewarding
  3. Reference. If you are a good volunteer person you will get a good reference letter from your employers
  4. Integration. Volunteer job will slowing integrate you into the system and culture of that company. 
  5.  You will get to understand your strength and weakness better before your real job. 
  6.   New to America, don't worry. you will get to enhance your communication skills. Example. Learning how to maneuver your tongue for effective communication. (FYI, your accent is your strength so don’t lose it).
  7. Volunteer job or jobs will expose you to job opportunities.
  8. Retention.  Most times volunteers who did an outstanding job are likely to get an offer from their employers.
 Though, it would be nice to get a job in the company you volunteered but it is rear. Nevertheless, Volunteer job is a good substituted for work experience. With that being said, I believe the benefits mentioned above are enough to make you Africans consider volunteer job as work experience. Also, I strongly recommend that you volunteer in fields that relates to your degree.

Are you a volunteer? Tell me your challenges as a volunteer.

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